If you agree with our philosophy that traveling is sharing the love for the world we live in, we invite you to become a adventurer and contribute to our virtual "home" for travelers. Share your soundbites, stories, recommendations, photos, videos, music, art, grassroot initiatives you support etc. and link it to our globe so others can click on a geographic location and find inspiration.
Remember, the focus of is on the shared experience of travel. We want to feel a part of your journey and of the relationships you create and the world you discover.
We are firm believers that big change starts local. When travelling we often find inspiration in local projects that others' have created to make the world a little bit brighter. We like to support small scale grass-roots initiatives that we discover through our travels because they address global issues from the perspective of the culture and people these projects target. We love finding ways to give back to the communities that welcome us into their world!
Join us by sharing and supporting local causes that inspire you on your travels. Write us about an initiative that you have discovered, with a brief description, contact information, photos or videos and information on how to donate. Or, click our Globe to find inspirational initiatives linked to places where you are planning on traveling or fell in love with recently and want to give back.